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Geological Model of Poland

„The country-wide Framework geological model of Poland as the basis of modern geological cartography” was created nearly 20 years after the first spatial model of Poland's geological structure within the range of -500 to -6000 m above sea level (Piotrowska et al. 2005). This model was the world's first 3D geological model covering the entire country.

GeoTOP model of the Netherlands

The model GeoTOP provides a detailed three-dimensional view of the subsurface in the Netherlands until a maximum depth of 50 metres below NAP (Dutch Ordnance Level). GeoTOP schematises onshore Netherlands in millions of voxels (cells), each measuring 100 by 100 metres horizontally and 50 centimetres vertically. Each voxel in the model contains information on the lithostratigraphy and lithological classes, including the probability of occurrence for each lithological class. More info.

Groningen gas field

The Groningen gas field, located in the Netherlands, has ceased production on October 1, 2023, in accordance with the planned reduction in gas extraction that began in 2018 due to safety concerns and induced earthquakes.

GEUS 3D models

Geo3D web viewer can display models stored in external 3D model databases. In cooperation with geological survey of Denmark and Greenland GEUS we obtained rights to visualize models stored in EGDI 3D model database. In the link below we present a variety of 3D geological models created at GEUS.

Browse model in Geo3D viewer

Parametric model


The parametric 3D geological model exemplifies a Jurassic layers in the western part of Poland, offering a generalized representation of lithologies and continuous properties related to porosity and rock density. These properties have been derived from the interpretation of data obtained through numerous seismic surveys and well drilling activities conducted in the region for oil and gas exploration, primarily within the underlying Upper Permian deposits.

3D geological model of Gorzów block

Model bloku Gorzowa

The geological model of Gorzów block shows the upper 5 000 m of the sedimentary stack of the block: from the roof of the Carboniferous up to the Quaternary. The model is based on most of the geological data collected so far in the area: 23 seismic volumes covering a total of 5500 square km, over a thousand 2D seismic lines, and wireline logs from 300 deep boreholes. Existing geological maps and gravimetric data were used in addition.

3DGP - model of Poland

The spatial model of geological structure of Poland presents the geological structure of Poland from depth of -6000 m above sea level to the surface. Three-dimensional solid models, geological cross-sections and blokdiagrams as well as spatial animations allow for analysis of deep geological structure. The model was implemented in two stages (from -6000 to -500 m above sea level and from -500 m above sea level to topo surface), using a variety of modeling tools.

Visualization of parameters of 3D models

Test 3-D model of simple salt diapir for test of visualizatuion of P property (dummy one here) on the surface of the layer. The parameter can be so far displayed only on the envelope of the layer. Visualization of the parameter inside the solid i.e. on the slices and cross-sections is still under development. To diplay P just expand Salt object tree and check P parameter.


