E-mail: zmal@pgi.gov.pl; Tel. (+48) 32 296 4842
PhD: 1999, University of Silesia, Poland. Geothermal field of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, Poland.
Professional skills
My job has been focused primarily on the subsurface mapping and 3-D geological modelling resulting in the concept and implementation of digital version of the spatial model of geological structure of Poland - from 6000 m to 500 m b.s.l. (2003-2005) and other numerous 3-D geological models developed in Academia (Poland, USA) in the E&P industry (the Netherlands) and recently in the Polish Geological Institute. My another major field of work is visualization of geological data and structures. I developed the first interactive 3D geological web-viewer in Europe (2007). It happens to me sometimes to get away from the desktop computer and work in the field on geological mapping (Antarctica, Peru, Romania, Turkey, and Russia).
Selected articles
- Żuk, T., Małolepszy, Z., Szynkaruk, E., 2018. Analogue GPR study of the Permian fanglomerates for construction of a training image for multiple point simulations, Zygmuntówka Quarry, Holy Cross Mountains, southern Poland. Geological Quarterly, 62 (4): 755–766, doi: 10.7306/gq.1438 https://gq.pgi.gov.pl/article/download/25997/pdf
- Żaba, J., Małolepszy, Z., Gaidzik, K., Ciesielczuk, J. & Paulo, A., 2012. Fault network in Rio Colca valley between Maca and Pinchollo, Central Andes, southern Peru. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 82: 279–290. http://www.asgp.pl/sites/default/files/volumes/82_3_279_290.pdf
- Malolepszy, Z., Morin, P., Marsh, B. D., Souter, B. J., Peterson, D., 2005. Development of Three-Dimensional Geologic Model as Spatial Framework for Study of the Ferrar Magmatic System, Dry Valleys, Antarctica. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2005, abstract id. V13H-02 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005AGUFM.V13H..02M
- Piotrowska K., Ostaficzuk S., Małolepszy Z., Rossa M., 2005. The numerical spatial model (3D) of geological structure of Poland - from 6000 m to 500 m b.s.l. Przeglad Geologiczny, vol. 53, nr 10/2 https://www.pgi.gov.pl/images/stories/przeglad/pdf/pg_2005_10_2_19.pdf
- Malolepszy, Z., 2003. Low temperature, man-made geothermal reservoirs in abandoned workings of underground mines. Twenty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, pp. 27-29. https://pangea.stanford.edu/ERE/pdf/IGAstandard/SGW/2003/Malolepszy.pdf