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Ewa Szynkaruk

PhD: 2004. Posgrado en Ciencias de la Tierra. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Mexico City.

Thesis: Tectonic implications of geomorphologic and structural characteristics of the Morelia–Acambay fault system, central Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt.


Professional interests

My present-day professional activity has for many years been focused around 3D modelling of geological structures. It actually all stems from an interest in mezo-scale structural geology and tectonics – in particular the formation and development of fault networks. Researching these processes I saw how the 3D-strain produces fault patterns very different from what is predicted by classic, 2D-strain approach. This led to realization, that geology can only be properly researched and understood in 3D. Thus engagement in 3D modelling activities became an only logical thing to do. Last years I also put my efforts into management of 3D modelling projects, intending to pull standard geological cartography towards 3D culture.




  • Szynkaruk E., Żuk T., Małolepszy Z., Ryżyński G., Rudnicki A., Majer E., Jaros M., 2019 – in press. Polish Geological Institute. Synopsis of Current Three-dimensional Geological Mapping and Modeling in Geological Survey Organizations, 2nd Edition.
  • Szynkaruk E., Małolepszy Z., Głuszyński A., 2018. Presentation of complex geological structures in the PGI-NRI 3D model viewer “Geo3D”. CETEG: 16th Meeting of the Central European Tectonic Studies Groups, 18-21 April 2018, Rytro, Polska.
  • Szynkaruk E., Małolepszy Z., 2018. 3-D Geological mapping of sedimentary basins in Poland. Konferencja Resources for Future Generations, June 16–17, 2018, Vancouver, British Columbia, Kanada.
  • Małolepszy Z., Szynkaruk E., 2018. New opportunities and challenges in 3-D geological mapping in Poland. Workshop Extended Abstracts, Konferencja Resources for Future Generations, June 16–17, 2018, Vancouver, British Columbia, Kanada.
  • Żuk T., Małolepszy Z., Szynkaruk E., 2018. An analogue GPR study of the Permian fanglomerates from Zygmuntówka Quarry near Chęciny, Holy Cross Mountains, southern Poland, for construction of a training image for multiple point simulations. Geological Quarterly, 62(4).
  • Małolepszy Z., Szynkaruk E., Stępień U., Gogołek T. 2016. 3D Regional Geological Modelling In Poland. Konferencja 3rd European meeting on 3D geological modelling, 16 June Wiesbaden, Niemcy.
  • Małolepszy Z., Szynkaruk E., 2015. Quantification of structural uncertainties in multi-scale models; case study of the Lublin Basin, Poland. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17, EGU General Assembly 2015, Wiedeń, Austria.
  • Małolepszy Z, Dąbrowski M., Mydłowski A., Żuk T., Szynkaruk E., Tomaszczyk M., Adamuszek M., Chełmiński J., Gogołek T., Jasiński Ł, Kozdrój W., Nowacki Ł., Olkiewicz P., Słodkowski M., Sydor P., Stępień U., Wyrwalska U., Modelling The Geological Structure Of Poland – Approach, Recent Results And Roadmap. Workshop Extended Abstracts, GSA Annual Meeting, October 31, 2015, Baltimore, Maryland, AER/AGS Special Report 101.
  • Garduño-Monroy V.H., Pérez-Lopez R., Israde-Alcantara I., Rodríguez-Pascua M.A., Szynkaruk E., Hernández-Madrigal1 V.M., García-Zepeda M.L., Corona-Chávez P., Ostroumov M., Medina-Vega V.H., García-Estrada G., Carranza O., Lopez-Granados E., Mora Chaparro J.C., 2009. Paleoseismology of the southwestern Morelia-Acambay fault system, central Mexico. Geofísica Internacional 48(3): 319-335.
  • Jarosiński M., Papiernik B., Szynkaruk E., 2014. Koncepcja rozwoju cyfrowego modelowania budowy geologicznej Polski. Przegląd Geologiczny, 62(12).
  • Szynkaruk E.,  Garduño-Monroy V.H., Bocco G., 2004. Active fault systems and tectono-topographic configuration of the central Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. Geomorphology 61: 111– 126.
  • Mastella L., Szynkaruk E., 1998. Analysis of the fault pattern in selected areas of the Polish Outer Carpathians, Geological Quarterly, 42: 263–276.