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3-D Geological mapping of sedimentary basins in Poland

Resources for Future Generations 2018, Vancouver, Canada

The last few years at the Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute (PGI-NRI) has brought increased focus on systematic geomodelling aimed at mapping systematically all Polish sedimentary basins in 3D basin by basin. Areas of sedimentary cover supports the vast majority of human activity related to geo-resources  which justifies such focus. Our aim is to capture basic geological knowledge in an accessible and re-usable format, allowing further research and subsurface use planning. To produce these models we engage geologists specializing in resolving regional problems, thus preserving and promoting their knowledge. The models, apart from mapping fault networks and stratigraphic horizons, also include grids storing lithology, lithostratigraphy, porosities, permeabilities, total mineralization and other parameters, depending on data availability. Base horizontal resolution is 250 m, with vertical resolution depending on parameter variability.
This 3D mapping campaign has produced its first, pilot model which is for the  of sedimentary Lublin basin. Next in the line – Gorzów Block model – is under development. Further models will follow building on our expanding (both in terms of content and functionalities) digital database and parallel baseline projects compiling georesources-related data.
PGI-NRI carries on development of intuitive viewers of modeled geological structures of sedimentary basins both on desktop and in the web: Current functional versions allow the viewing of solid models, cross-sections, horizontal section maps and virtual boreholes. Layers can be switched on and off or “exploded” – that is uplifted with mouse movements to see the underlying layer’s top. Viewer tools are being upgraded and we hope to have a parametric grid web viewer in the near future. We are also exploring ways of visualizing geological uncertainty in 3-D models. All modeling procedures and visualization is in accordance with the INSPIRE rules and standards of GeoScience Domain Working Group (OGC).