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3D Regional Geological Modelling in Poland

3rd European Meeting on 3D Geological Modelling – Wiesbaden, Germany, June 16th – 17th, 2016

In Poland the modelling of bedrock geology in nation-wide and regional scales has been carried on for last 15 years and digital web based output is available for last 10 years. The first digital 3D model of bedrock geology was developed with sort of “stone age” tools (literally: whatever software was available). It was a 3D model of bedrock in depth interval of -500 to -6000 m. The model was then supplemented in the following years by layers from -500m to the terrain surface. Although it has not been merged with the bedrock yet, we are currently planning to do so in an attempt to create a framework model holding together all other interpretations – most notably regional, parametric models of sedimentary cover of Poland. Next stage of the 3D mapping programme is to create models of selected sedimentary basins which may present unexplored potential for natural resources. It will create a seamless platform for further development of large-scale and high-resolution sub-models strategically located in exploration areas. The 3D model Lublin sedimentary basin was commissioned recently after couple of years of hard work on integration and interpretation of vast amount of subsurface data [1]. Lessons learned had been used to launch the next model of Gorzów Block in NW Poland in an improved methodology. We hope this regional model can be “connected” digitally to geology on the German side in some trans-boundary cooperation.